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Re-Open Ready Garage Door Services – Ensure Your Business is Operational


Our service area includes:

  • DeKalb area communities
  • Kane & Kendall counties
  • Western suburbs
  • Ogle County
  • LaSalle County
  • Northern Illinois & Southern
  • Wisconsin
  • Rockford greater area
  • Sauk Valley communities
  • Freeport & Northwest counties

Our REOPEN READY services are specifically designed for businesses that have been forced to close for COVID-19.

As a leader for your operation, your time should be spent ensuring your business is ready to re-open: validating your equipment is in working order, ensuring critical inventory levels are achieved, getting your teams prepared to serve your Customers. Don’t get side-tracked by improperly working doors and operators that have sat idle for months. Let the professionals at Raynor Door Authority help you get your operation running smoothly. Give us a call to get your business REOPEN READY today.

Garage Door Service Request

Our REOPEN READY service includes:

  • Inspection of your entire door system including rollers, seals, bearings, cables, chains, shafts, track and hardware, plus all safety equipment and related control devices
  • Tightening of all hardware including hinges, couplings, drums, track brackets and back hangs
  • Adjustments on spring counterbalance assemblies, level of door and track spacing
  • Lubrication of counterbalance shaft bearings, rollers, hinges, chain hoist, bearings and disconnect mechanism
  • Planned maintenance programs extend equipment life and add reliability, resulting in average savings of more than 18%
  • Planned maintenance programs help reduce equipment failures and generate a factor of 10 times ROI

To limit the risks of exposure, we have also upgraded our safety protocols to provide you with ZERO Contact Service.  Once our gloved and masked technician arrives, all you need to do is provide us with access to your door.  Our technician will clean all the touch points on the serviced door and connect with you once the work is complete.